
To us, the death of a beloved pet is just like the passing on of a family member.
We apologize as we will not be actively updating this site with testimonials. It is not because we do not have any (after all we have been in the service for the past 10 years), but because we do not wish to publicize our bereaved customers' grief and use it as a form of advertising for ourselves. We believe this is a form of respect for the beloved pet and bereaved family. It is up to the owner to make it public or private; and not our call.
Many of the pet owners who engage our services are based on referrals.
We do not do extensive marketing and neither do we actively promote ourselves on social media platforms. Instead of channeling our time and resources to seek and request for testimonials from customers for our publicity purposes, we believe that our time and resources should be focused towards providing a better service for our fellow pet owners. While we are thankful to customers who have taken time to express their appreciation to the team, be it with your red packets, letters of appreciation, food or drinks (It really does keep us going! Thank you so much!), we would just like to quietly focus in doing what we do, as we believe this is the best form of gratitude we can extend to our customers and fellow pet owners for their belief in us through the years.
We will not claim to be the best.
We can only assure you that we will put in our best for every pet that we attend to- to be gentle with respect for them, to be on time for them and to the best we can, ease the pain for their owners. We hope our philosophies will assure you of our dedication and commitment to provide you with genuine and quality service. Once again we are sorry if we had put you through any moments of dilemma by not actively putting up testimonials for your consideration. We are very thankful to have undertaken the calling to be in this service, to be there for you, your loved ones and your beloved pet during such times. Remember that we are here with you, for you. Once a pet, Always a pet!